Touch Monitor Settings of Raspberry Pi | Gechic
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Touch Monitor Settings of Raspberry Pi

Users can install a variety of Linux distributions in Raspberry Pi. If you adopt the Raspberry Pi with a touch monitor, please refer to the followings for touch screen settings.

1. Set a Touch Monitor and Touch Calibration

Please refer to this article, which explains in detail how to install the Raspbien system, how to connect a touch monitor to RPI, set the screen resolution, install the touch calibration programme and calibrate the touch position.

Install Touch Screen and Touch Calibration Program for Raspberry Pi

2. Set up a Vertical Touch Screen & Rotate Touch Transformation Matrix

When using the touch monitor in portrait orientation, since Raspberry Pi OS, Linux and Ubuntu only provide display settings, users need to change the touch matrix to redefine the touch position of the touch screen in order to operate the touch screen correctly. Please refer to this article to rotate the touch matrix by 90 degrees or 270 degrees.

Tutorrial of USB Touchscreen Rotation on Raspberry Pi

3. Display Settings on Differenct Desktops

Many Linux desktops provide convenient graphical interfaces that allows you to set up the display directly. Please refer to this article for setting up the display on Gnome, Plasma, and Ubuntu desktops.

Linux Display Settings

4. Set up Multi-Fingure Touch Gestures

More and more Linux desktops, such as Ubuntu, Gnome, Plasma, have supported multi-touch gestures. If you use Raspberry Pi OS, Cinnemon, XFCE, Mate or other desktops, you can also install the Touchegg software to expand the multi-touch gesture function. Please refer to the following article for more details:

Set up Multi-Touch Gestures for Touchscreens in Linux